Stakeholder Identification
After deliberation the following 5 stakeholders were identified within the framework of the NIT. The areas of benefits are highlighted below:

(A) Alumni Associations of all NITs
PNAF shall facilitate the Alumni Associations of all NITs comprising of Alumni and Patrons etc. of all NITs in the following ways:
- Networking of all NIT Alumni Associations of NITs;
- Channelize & recognize contributions of Alumni in Nation Building Process;
- Internal benchmarking of good practices by NIT alumni associations;
- Framing up of standard Alumni Policy amongst all NITs;
- Collaborative contribution to the Nation as a whole in a structured manner;
- Bring Parity in collection of one time Alumni Fee from students at the time of admission to the respective institutes;
- Create a readily available authentic, active and dynamic online pool of Technical Human Resources.
All NITs
PNAF shall facilitate the Government including Central and State Governments in the following ways:
- Create a strong and healthy connect amongst the NITs; Expedite the Process of building `NIT’ brand globally; and in crossing the barriers and work in a seamless & integrated manner in Nation Building Process;
- Suggest uniform programs and policies for the improvement of quality and professional standards of education imparted in all NITs and Uniform Implementation of its schemes/ policies by the institutes through structured Alumni Network;
- With advisory services for the development and implementation of new GoI projects in the country by creating a readily available authentic, active and dynamic pool of technical human resources;
- Facilitate the Government in terms of creation of a common pool for contributing to NITs in terms of participation in Governance, Academic evaluation, Mentoring, Ranking etc. of the institutes.
PNAF shall facilitate the Community which shall comprise of Make-in-India/ Digital India/ Renewable Energy/ Solar/ Water Conservation/ Environment/ Sewage Treatment/ Water Treatment/ Swachh Bharat/ Skill Development/ Forestation etc. in the following ways:
- Promote corporate Social responsibility active with adaption of Rural villages & services thereupon;
- Teaching the poor in villages near the institutes;
- Setting up of Drinking Water/ Sanitation facilities in villages near the institutes.
Corporate/ Industry
PNAF shall facilitate the Corporate/ Industry comprising of Organizations, Entrepreneurs, Incubators, Start-ups and Institutions etc. in the following ways:
- Corporate Specific Events / Seminars with the help of rich pool of Technical Human Resources
- Advocacy of New Areas / Technologies.